Call Display

Call Display - Caller ID - Calling Number - CLID

Inbound Call

By default, the Calling Number for an incoming call is available for display while the phone is ringing. We will pass the number received from the downstream Carrier. Calling Name will be also presented if available.


Outbound Call

  • Calling number: By default, you Pilot/Trunk is set as  “Owned DN”: which means will allow you to send the Pilot number or the DID’s that belong to this Pilot. If you want to manage CLID 100% from your PBX, we can change the setup to “Valid Format”: as long as you send a valid number(10 or 11 digits) your caller ID should work as requested. Please be aware that you are responsible for ensuring that the 'custom calling party ID' that you are using is for numbers that you own or that you have received permission from the number holder to use their number as your caller ID. If you are calling 911 and you are masking your number. The 911 operators will not have your correct service address and you will need to ensure that this information is passed by the caller to the 911 operator. ThinkTel is not responsible if emergency services are dispatched to the wrong location.


  • Calling name: we will pass the name being sent from your PBX, if none is sent, We will only pass the calling number.

Upon request, ThinkTel can control the CLID for your outbound calls. However, we can only apply the same number and/or same name for all outbound calls from the Pilot/Trunk. For example, we can withold the number and mark all outbound calls as “Anonymous”

Please note CLID is best effort, we can only guarantee we are passing the same information being sent from your PBX. However, some Carrier destinations will withhold the number, name or both. Specially for Mobile and International destinations.


We hope this info was a help. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know.
You can open a support ticket or contact us atphone-icon-blue 1-888-852-2381 for additional assistance.