Setup Instructions:
Please make sure you have a Windows computer running one of the following operating systems.
Windows 10/11. If you have done the upgrade to WIn10 and faxes are not working. Please uninstall your existing NetSatisFAXtion plugin and reinstall with the Win8 plugin listed below.
Windows 7/8, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate.
Vista Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate.
Windows XP Professional SP2 and SP3.
Note: This plugin is not compatible with Apple OS X, Linux, or any Windows Basic or Home versions.
Installing the plug in.
Download and install one of the NetSatisFAXtion plugin's below:
Windows 7 or older you will have to download the attached file NS-FaxServiceConnector.msi
Windows 8&10 you will have to download this plug in
If you get an error "Microsoft.NET Framework must be installed" Please install from -
Select type of service.
Depending on your operating system and version(some will ask and some will not).
When/if you are prompted for a type of service choose Net-SatisFAXtion. Leave the other fields in there default settings. -
Enter your username and password.
When prompted for a user name and password, enter your faxing username(Can have spaces) and password(Can't have white spaces) as supplied by ThinkTel via email or if ordered from uControl via the uControl pop up. If you don't have this info please contract They can also be reached at 866-928-4465(92Think) Option 1-3-1 or 611 from your ThinkTel phone. -
Confirm Fax Server and domain.
Click Show advanced setting
Confirm proper settings below.
a. Fax Server:
Send and receive a test fax.
HP offers a free automated testing service. That you can send them a fax and they will send you a fax back, this will allow you to confirm fax completion in both directions.
HP Test Fax 8884732963
We hope this info was a help. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know.
You can open a support ticket or contact us at 1-888-852-2381 for additional assistance.