How does SIP failover work?

We have two types of failovers.

  1. Unavailable call forwarding:
    If all of your configured SIP Bindings are down Surecall will unconditionally forward your lines to the specified destination.

    How to use SureCall to apply an Unavailable Forward for DIDs
    Surecall SIP response code triggers

  2. PBX Line failover
    • Round Robyn: Will alternate your calls evenly between all your configured bindings (Default)
    • Lowest available: Will route all your calls to your primary bindings {PBX Line 1}

If you have at least 2 configured SIP Bindings, we can change the line selection method to the lowest available. Now if your lowest binding goes down (Stops responding to our option requests) we will fail over to your next available binding. Advantages of this is if you have a PBX at multiple locations and one location has issues, we failover to the other. You can also set up your second binding to be on a different proxy (located in Edmonton) or (located in Toronto) this way if we have issues with one of our proxies you can disable that binding via uControl.

Changing to Lowest Available (affinity) will also affect your max channels for further information on this please refer to Channel Commit/Burst and load balancing

We hope this info was a help. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know.
You can open a support ticket or contact us atphone-icon-blue 1-888-852-2381 for additional assistance.